Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Aria And Franco Go Camping! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

Hello everyone welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In todays post, I'm going to be showing you a photo story me and Franco made of us going camping, I hope you enjoy!
As me and Franco walked along the path towards the campsite, we were amazed at all the fun camping activities we could see right before our eyes!
"Wow Franco!" I exclaimed, "there are so many activities, what would you like to try first?"
"Hmm, how about we go butterfly searching first!" he answered.
"Yes, that sounds an awesome idea!" I replied.
"Yay!" stated Franco, "I will go get everything we need!"
*a few minutes later*

"I'm back Aria!" exclaimed Franco, "and I have everything we need!"

"Perfect," I said, "would you like to go first?"

"Yes please!" he replied.

First he un-screwed the jar.
Then, he had a look around for a beautiful butterfly.
"I found one!" exclaimed Franco.

His net swerved round, and suddenly the butterfly flew right in! 

"Good butterfly," mentioned Franco, "in the jar you go, don't worry I won't keep you long!"
Look at Franco's butterfly, isn't it so cute!
"I love my butterfly!" exclaimed Franco, "would you like a go Aria?"
"Yes please Franco, that would be awesome!" I replied.
First, I un-screwed the jar.
Then, I had a look for an awesome butterfly.
Then, it abruptly flew into the net!
"Well done butterfly, in you go!" I whispered, mesmerized with the beautiful sight right before my eyes.
Then, I screwed up the jar!
"What do you think Franco?" I asked.
"It looks so cute!" he replied, "what shall we do next?"
"How about we practice knot tying?" I suggested.
"That sounds an awesome idea!" Franco added.
"I have everything we need!" I said.
"Perfect!" replied Franco.
"Would you like to do this knot first?" I asked.

"Yes, that one isn't too difficult!" added Franco.

Franco did an awesome job!

And so did I, this one is my favourite!
"How about this know next?" Franco asked.
"That one is excellent!" I answered.
Franco had a go and his turned out perfect!
So did I, I enjoy this one also!
"How about we have s'mores next, I'm starving!" stated Franco.
"Yes, that sounds an awesome idea!" I replied.
"Here they are," mentioned Franco, "we can each choose one!"
I started by cooking mine first!
Time to flip!
Yummy, what a delicious s'more!
Next, Franco cooked his!
Time to cook the other side!
Franco's looked delicious as well!

"How about we go firefly catching now?" I asked.
"Yes please, that sounds like a great idea!" replied Franco.
"Here is everything we need!" I exclaimed.
"Yay!" he said, "you can go first."
First, I un-screwed the jar.
Then, I used the torch to find a firefly.
I found one so I quickly put it into the jar!
"What do you think, Franco?" I asked.
"It looks awesome!" he replied.
Then it was Franco's turn, first he un-screwed the jar!
Then, he had a look around with the torch!
He caught the firefly!
"What do you think, Aria?" questioned Franco, "I love it!"
"I agree, it looks awesome!" I replied, "should we put our pyjamas on now, it is getting late?"
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea!" Franco answered.
Off we went to the tent to find our pyjamas!
Here we are all dressed for bed!
Night night everyone!


Aria back! I really hope you enjoyed this photo story we made!

If you have any more blog post or YouTube video ideas, be sure to comment down below, comment on the latest video on our YouTube channel with comments or you can email us, we would love to hear from you! 

Thanks for visiting our blog!

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