Friday, May 20, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 2 Post 3 | Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In todays post, it's me Valencia here and I'm going to be writing post 3 from season 2 of Two Persons In One, from my perspective; I hope you enjoy!

I was just beginning to wake up, suddenly remembering where I was.

Of course, I had been magically transported to some random scientists house and I had no clue how to get home.

She had given me an old blanket and a random pillow, I slept in a desolate room with no furniture. No nothing. 
I had a good sleep.
Not as good as I could have hoped for though.
Suddenly, she appeared in the room, startling me. Does she have no idea on what privacy is?
"Good morning!" she chirped, "did you sleep well?"
"Well, I guess," I grumbled.
"Would you like some breakfast?" she asked.
"Yes please, I'm starving!" I replied, eager for some food.
"Perfect, come to the kitchen!" she added.
I probably got my hopes up too high about breakfast, it was nothing like the doughnut and milkshake she had given me the night before. By now, my clothes were also feeling very uncomfortable as there was no way I was borrowing any of hers. Oh well, make do I guess.
It was an old bread roll, probably ancient- maybe a few weeks old? That definitely isn't ancient, but for a bread roll it is, it was as dry as a rock.
Then, there was some cheese and butter, at least they were ok. The cheese tasted weird though, not like the cheese at home.
"Do you have any better food than this?" I asked, trying to hide my disappointment whilst not sounding rude.
"Well, what is it you are looking for?" she replied.
"Any doughnuts?" I wondered," that was good yesterday."

Even though doughnuts were not a healthy breakfast food, anything was better than this really stale bread.
"No, sorry," she replied," they ran out, bread is always nice though, make sure you try some!"

That just annoyed me. Really bad as well.
I was stuck eating the bread, it was the worst thing I had ever tasted. But... I ate it.
Then, she began mixing more chemicals.
So confusing, I lost it after 2 seconds.
I think she was looking for a way to get me home, I hope so anyway.
"Do you have a TV??" I asked, bored.
"No, sorry," she answered," I have no time for it when there is scientific discoveries to be made!"
"Do you have any books?" I asked, unimpressed.
"Only science, I will go and get them!" she answered, obviously happy I wanted science books.
"Oh no," I thought," I hope they aren't bad."
She came back with a handful of books, all science.
I had a look through, they weren't too bad but the knowledge books lost my interest fast.
I was interested in Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde though, that was a scientific novel.
After a while, I got really bored.

(It was probably only 15 minutes though..)
Then suddenly I had an idea.
"Do you have any paper and a pen?" I asked.
"Sure, I will get some!" she answered.
"Thanks," I replied.
"Here you go," she said and handed them over."

What am I doing, you may ask? Well, I am going to send a letter to Franco and Holly, so they know where I am. I just hope she has some stamps.

I really hope you enjoyed this post everyone! I better hurry and put my pyjamas on now, bed time! See you soon everyone!

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Lori Dolls Outfit Ideas!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...