Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Welcome To Our Our Generation Dolls Blog!

 Hello everyone, welcome to our new blog! If you have come from our old blog or You Tube channel, thank you so much and if you are new we hope you enjoy and thank you for reading! We used to have (still do at this time) a blog on wix, but we thought it would be better to switch to blogger, so we created a new site and here we are! We don't have the same name as our old site, but we still hope you like it! If anything doesn't work correctly, please let us know as we can sort that out if we know how! We won't have a schedule to start with, but we may get one in a few weeks like we do for You Tube and our other blog! We won't be posting on our other blog anymore, but we will have plenty new ones here! If you haven't read any of our posts on our old blog, or watched our You Tube videos yet, we are a family of 6 Our Generation dolls who post often on You Tube and this blog and we love to do everything together and we just love playing dolls and everything about dolls! If you are confused, this is a blog written by dolls with the help of our amazing owner (we call her Starlight in blog posts and You Tube videos) and there will usually be one of us writing per post! We hope you are looking forward to our new posts and we will be editing the site in the coming days and weeks to make it better until we are completely happy with it, here is a link to our You Tube channel (main channel, we also have a shorts channel!)

We hope you enjoy our posts, thank you so much for visiting our blog! 

Holly, Aria, Sia, Valencia, Talita and Franco (The OG Dolls Family!)

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Lori Dolls Outfit Ideas!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...