Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Two Persons In One Season One Post Seven! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Valencia here today! In this post of Two Persons In One, it is going to be written from my perspective! I hope you enjoy!

We were just walking home from a fun time at the cinema, we saw an awesome movie!
"My rock candy tastes sour.." I complained.
"That's strange," Franco replied," I had some last time I came to the cinema and it was definitely not sour."
"Maybe you got weird feeling... you strange sometimes." Holly added.
"Maybe you are right Holly, they are annoying though." I answered.
"Well, don't worry," comforted Franco," If you have any more strange feelings or need to talk just call."
"Thanks, I should go home now, I will see you later!" I said.
"See ya!!" screamed Holly.
"See you tomorrow!" added Franco.
"Hi Philippa!" I exclaimed.
"What took you so long, I want to go to bed!!" she screamed.
"Sorry, we had an awesome time though!" I stated.
"Hang on a minute," I added, "do you feel ok?"
"Yes, what makes you ask?" she questioned.
"You keep flickering, I can still hear you even when I can't see you." I replied.
"You probably stayed too long at the cinema and are tired,  lets go to bed!" comforted Philippa.
"I'm just having a bath, Philippa!" I screamed up to her.
"Sure!" replied Philippa.
 I checked the water, to make sure it wasn't too hot.
"Philippa, help!!!!" I screamed, "the water was hot and I burned my hand..."
"How did you burn your hand in the bath??" she questioned.
"I don't know, I put lots of cold water in but it was so hot." I moaned.
"Don't worry, I have a plaster!" said Philippa.

"Thanks, that's better!" I replied.
"Let me test the water," she said, "I can't believe it burned you." 
She dipped her hand in.
"That's freezing Valencia, that would not burn anyone!!" she said confused.
"I don't know, it felt so hot," I added, "the rock candy I had at the cinema also tasted sour, Holly thinks I am having the weird feelings again?"
"It will be ok," comforted Philippa," maybe a good night sleep will help."
"Ok, goodnight." I replied.
"Sleep well!" she added.

When I went to bed, it took me hours to get to sleep.

My mind was racing.

About the memories from the past few weeks.

When I tripped and fell on a walk.

When we went skating and my feet were out of control.

When I couldn't even pour milk without making a mess.

I just had a feeling something was going to happen... and I was 100% correct.

I hope you enjoyed this post!! Stay tuned for the final post of season 1 coming soon, I hope you like the cliff hanger! There will also be 8 posts in season 2, so many more to come! If you have any blog post or YouTube video ideas please be sure to comment below, comment on the latest video on our YouTube channel with comments or you can email us! Thanks for visiting our blog!


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