Monday, May 30, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Talita's Aesthetic Photoshoot!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls, in todays post, it's me Talita here and I'm going to show you an aesthetic photoshoot I did! I hope you enjoy!

I hope you like all the photos! See you in our next post!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 2 Post 4 | Our Generation Dolls Photo Story!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In todays post, it's me Valencia and I'm going to be writing post 4 of Two Persons In One season 2 from my perspective, I hope you enjoy!

I am so thankful I was able to find a solution. Since there was no other way to get myself home, I decided to write a letter and hope that Franco and Holly will be able to find me.
As I began, it all felt quite strange. Almost like it was unbelievable.
But as I finished, I knew they would trust me, even if they did think it was slightly out of the ordinary.
Once I was finished, I folded the letter in half. I need an envelope now, I thought.

"Do you have any envelopes?" I asked the woman.
"No sorry," she replied.
"No problem, it's ok," I added.
I decided to write the address on the front, hopefully it will still reach them.
"Is there any chance we can go to a post office?" I queried.
"Of course young girl, come with me on the motorbike," she answered kindly.
She was so nice, knowing that I was going to leave her felt hard. But then, I did so want to see Franco and Holly again.
As we hopped on the motorbike, everything felt exciting!
I put the letter in my dungarees pocket, to keep it safe.
"Good afternoon and welcome to the post office, how can I help you?" the lady asked.
"Hi, I'm here to send a letter and I need a stamp for it as well," I replied.
"Of course, I will take care of that for you," she added.
She began typing numbers.
And writing notes.
"I will take care of this letter and make sure it reaches it's destination," she stated," thank you for using our postal service."
"Thank you," I responded.
That night, I lay awake in bed,
Anxious that the letter might not reach them.
Anxious that everything may go completely wrong.
Then, I fell asleep. Knowing that everything was and will be ok.

I hope you enjoyed this post everyone, things are sure getting exciting! See you soon everyone!

Breakfast With Margo!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to show you Margo's breakfast! First ...