Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 1 Post 8 (Final Post Of Season 1) Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Franco here and I'm going to be sharing with you post 8 of season 1 from two persons in one of my perspective, this is the final post of Season 1 and season 2 will be coming soon I hope you enjoy!
"My turn, I will use this card!" exclaimed Holly.
"Cool, my turn!" screamed Valencia.
"Oh no, I won!!" I screamed.
"Congratulations Franco!" replied Valencia, "would anyone like a drink?"
"I would love one please!" asked Holly.
"Sure thing!" I replied.
"Of course, I will go get it!" mentioned Valencia.
Off she went to the kitchen.
Then suddenly, Holly saw a sparkle of light in the direction Valencia was going and she disappeared!
"Franco, did you see that??" screamed Holly.
"I did," I replied worriedly." did Valencia disappear??"
"I think so, what do we do??" stressed Holly.
"You stay here in case she appears again and I will check around the house," I comforted Holly.
Off I went to the kitchen first.
I looked around, but I couldn't see her.
The worktop looked untouched as well.
I thought I should go back to Holly, to think of a plan together.
"Any luck Franco?" Holly questioned anxiously.
"No, how about we write a list of ideas on where she could be and we will have a look?" I suggested.
"Any ideas?" I queried.
"She may have left the house, the door is near the kitchen?" Holly suggested.
"Perfect, that could have happened." I said.
I wrote Holly's idea down.
"Any more?" I wondered.
"I'm not sure, but I know this will take a lot of investigating, time for me to be a detective!" stated Holly.

Franco here, I hope you enjoyed this post! Season 2 will be starting soon! Post 1, we have already taken the pictures and in time it would happen straight after this but we aren't writing it now and it most likely won't be our next post, we hope you enjoyed though, see you next time!


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Lori Dolls Outfit Ideas!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...