Monday, August 22, 2022

Talita's Big Ambition Post 3! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Talita! Sorry for not posting for a few days, we were planning to do this a few days ago but ran out of time! Anyways, I hope you enjoy! This is post 3 of my series called Talita's Big Ambition!
I was just putting my makeup away, I was all ready for my second gymnastics lesson.
I think I look good? Don't I?
I was feeling more excited for this, as I knew what to expect. It was going to be so much fun!
And off I went!
I made it just on time and I was all ready to start class.
"So, welcome to class girls and we will be starting by practicing our front walkovers," stated Valencia.
"Yes!!" screamed Holly, "I love them!" 
I was feeling confident for this, I knew exactly what to do!
"Good, now for Talita," Valencia mentioned.
I was straight as a began.
Slightly wobbly on my hands.
But had a almost perfect landing!
"Well done, now Holly's turn," instructed Valencia.
The first part of her flip was perfect, she is such a professional! 
"Ok then, time for a back walkover," added Valencia.
I started with my arms up high.
My feet begining!
I went back.
Not a perfect landing, but definitely good!
"Holly's turn now," instructed Valencia.
She was perfectly straight with her hands on the ground, how amazing!
"Now, time for a front handspring!" instructed Valencia.
I jumped.
My hands perfectly reached the ground.
Wow, that was a close fall, but I made it!
"Holly next," stated Valencia.
She jumped- very high!
But her landing, perfect!
"Next is a back handspring," she announced.
I was ready, perfectly straight.
Carried on my perfect begining!
I made it!
Then Holly went, she landed amazingly!
"Thank you for coming girls, you both did amazing!" stated Valencia.
"You did great Talita," mentioned Holly.
"Thank you, you too!" I replied.
And I went home, after another perfect session!

Thank you so much for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed! 

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