Thursday, September 15, 2022

Talita's Big Ambition Post 4! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story Special Post- The Mean Girl

Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Talita! Today's post is going to be post 4 of my series, I hope you like it!
Also, we called this a special post as it is the only one so far with a certain name!
I was just walking to my gymnastics lesson, I felt so excited even though I have only been going a few weeks, I love it.
I had my gym bag and everything ready!
Then, I had a strange feeling that someone was behind me...
Then, they got closer, as if they wanted to have a conversation. So, naturally, I turned around.
"Hi, who are you?" I stuttered.
"Who am I?" she replied, "don't you mean who are you?"
"Sorry, I'm a gymnast," I replied nervously.
"Really, bet you're on bottom team!" she said unkindly.
"No, I'm not actually," I replied, struggling to keep my exasperation out of me.
"Well, all I can say is I think you should try football," she answered.
I just walked away, I was taking no more from her.
"Goodbye then!" she yelled.
And off she went.
I went straight to gymnastics, I wasn't going to let someone ruin my dreams.
It felt much better to be in gymnastics.
"Hi Talita, you good?" Holly asked.
"I guess, I just saw this person outside and they were really unkind," I said.
"I'm not letting this happen, what did they say?" Holly demanded.
"She said that she couldn't believe I was a gymnast and thought I was in beginners class," I answered.
"Don't let her get to you Talita," comforted Holly," you are an amazing gymnast and I know you can achieve your dreams!"
"Thank you!!" I said, cheerfully.
"I will finish my makeup and then you can get ready, awesome gymnast!" chirped Holly 
"Perfect!" I replied.
Holly finished off her makeup, whilst I got my leotard on.
I was feeling much better now!
I did my hair and makeup, Holly helped me!
And I was all ready, I had a feeling this lesson would be the best so far!

Thank you for reading everyone, see you soon!

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 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...