Friday, December 24, 2021

Our Generation Dolls Christmas Eve!!πŸŽ„☃️πŸŽ…

 Valencia: We would all like to wish a huge Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!!

Talita: We will be typing this post quickly as we need to go to bed soon otherwise Santa won't leave any of us presents πŸŽπŸŽ…!

Holly: So everyone let's get this post Christmas going! πŸŽ„☃️πŸŽπŸ’

Sia: This photo is us having a delicious fruit salad for breakfast with Greek yoghurt!
Franco: And here are the mini dolls having their fruit salad for breakfast! 

Aria: The above photos are all of us dressed for the day, including the mini dolls! 
Valencia: Then we played a printable Christmas game from the designafriend website! 
Talita: Here is us having lunch, we had pasta today! If you are wondering why we had the big cake that is because Sia had her birthday party recently and we had the cake we baked to eat! We wouldn't usually eat the big cake all the time, only for special occasions! 
Holly: Here are the mini dolls having lunch!

Sia: We played pin the robin on Robyn, another designafriend printable game, Franco won! 
Franco: Then we all went to the salon to do our hair, nails and makeup ready for tomorrow! 

Aria: Me and Vera have just iced the Christmas cakes! 

Valencia: Holly and Vera used a randomised and it said they should do the milk and mince pie for Santa with a carrot for the reindeer! Here they are, they have literally just done it! 

Talita: Thank you so much for reading, we will be filming a Christmas morning video tomorrow, a few shorts and maybe a blog post!

Holly: Merry Christmas if you celebrate and see you all when it is Christmas day!! πŸ˜€πŸŽ…πŸŽ„☃️🎁

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