Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Sia And Talita Try Yoga!

 Hello everyone and welcome or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In today's post, it's me Aria! I made a photo story with Sia and Talita about them trying yoga, they have done it a bit before but today I thought I would teach them 3 simple poses, I hope you like the story!

"Ok, Sia and Talita," stated Aria, "are you all ready for yoga?"
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," replied Sia," I have done this before and it hurts a lot!"
"I know it will hurt, but I'm ready to try!" answered Talita.
"Awesome!" replied Aria, "first is the mountain pose, probably the easiest."
"This one is definitely easy!" said Talita.
"You may think this is easy, but it gets a lot lot lot harder..." moaned Sia.
"Great job, next is downward dog," explained Aria.
"This one definitely hurts more than the last one!" exclaimed Talita.
"This hurts so bad," groaned Sia, "I don't know why I agreed to even try this again."
"Excellent work, finally mountain pose," instructed Aria.
"This one is slightly easier!" mentioned Talita.
"If you can't balance like me, this is completely impossible," groaned Sia grumpily.
"You both did great," stated Aria, "even if you did groan!"
"It was probably one of the worst experiences I will ever have in my life," moaned Sia.
"I enjoyed it. but I probably wouldn't do it often," commented Talita.

I hope you enjoyed this photo story, we loved making it! If you have any blog post or YouTube video ideas, be sure to comment them down below, comment on the latest video with comments on our YouTube channel or you can email us, we would love to hear from you! Thanks for visiting our blog, we would love it if you could read more of our posts!

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