Monday, June 6, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Music Class!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls, today it is me Talita here and I'm going to be sharing with you Holly and Valencia's music class with me. I hope you enjoy!

It was time to prepare for music class. I began by making sure all the music sheets were ready.
Perfect, I thought.
Checked the music books. Wonderful!
All the instruments were in line.
The keyboard was also working perfectly.
Time to go let Holly and Valencia in.
I welcomed them, excited to see them.
They walked in, bubbling with excitement.

I told them today they had single practice and then group practice.

Valencia began on her clarinet.
The tunes she played were beautiful.

Holly was playing the triangle today.
What a lovely sound!

Then, it was time for Valencia to practice sheet music with the saxophone.

She did an awesome job.
Then, Holly got her music book ready.
She had decided to play the flute today.

It sounded beautiful.
Then, it was time for group practice.
I switched the sheet to the perfect song for today.
We were all in chorus and tune with each other, the melody matching perfectly. 
I was guiding them, using the keyboard.

Valencia was playing chords on the guitar.

And Holly had every note to perfection with her trumpet!

Then, it was time for the lesson to end so we said goodbye.
I checked all the instruments were tidy for the next class.
Taking music sheets away so they didn't get lost.
Perfect, I thought.

We hope you enjoyed this post everyone, we loved taking the photos for it!
We included the behind the scenes of taking the pictures in this post in our doll photography video we posted on YouTube, here is the link if you would like to check it out.
Thank you for reading!

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 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...