Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 2 Post 5! | Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls, today it is me Franco and I am going to be writing the next post of Two Persons In One from my perspective. I hope you enjoy!

Ever since Valencia had mysteriously disappeared, Holly had not been the same.
Nothing would make her happy, not even her favourite doughnut.
All I could do was give her reassurance, something had to give us a clue on where Valencia could be.
Then, I heard the letterbox.
Holly usually runs to the door, she always thinks we have won the lottery or something even though we never do that sort of thing. But, today was different. Like every day since Valencia had gone.
"I don't care, I bet it just a boring bill," groaned Holly.
To be honest, I kind of agreed. Many bills had come through the letterbox in the past week.
I grabbed the letter, like I usually do.
But, as I was going back upstairs, I noticed something...
"Holly Holly!!!!!" I screamed, " look, I recognise the writing!!"
"Franco, last time you thought it was your friend you haven't seen in ages and it was a letter reminding you to pay rent." muttered Holly, "I know you are just trying to make me happy."
Considering Holly's thoughts, I was starting to believe she could be correct.
But. Then. I had a closer look. And I noticed. I was certain. It HAD to be Valencia's writing.
I was definitely certain. I skipped to the bottom of the letter...

It said- " your best sister Valencia :)"

"Holly, I knew it!!" I exclaimed, "it is from Valencia!"
"Really?!" she screamed.
We both read the letter together.

It read...

To Franco and Holly,
It is Valencia. I know everything in this letter may seem very strange to you. Almost untrue. Something which you can barely believe. But I promise every word is true. So, when I disappeared I appeared in the science lab of this woman. Her science experiment was to bring people with a name to her house. She chose my name and it brought me. It is strange here and I have no idea how to get home. Please come and get me, I will put the address at the top of the letter. I can't wait to see you.
Your Best Sister, 
                            Valencia :)
"We need to go now!!" exclaimed Holly.
"Agreed, lets hurry pack a bag!" I said excitedly.
Holly packed her bag.
She packed fun toys and games, I anticipated it would be a long train ride.
"Oh Holly," I muttered," I will be the sensible one!"
I began to pack my bag.
A selection of food for the train journey and water.
All ready, time to go!
I took the letter, so we didn't get lost.
We arrived at the station.
I bought 2 tickets.
And we were on our way!

Thank you for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed! See you soon!

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 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...