Thursday, July 28, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Franco's Woodland Photoshoot!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Franco and today I'm going to show you some pictures I took earlier when I visited the woods, enjoy!

I hope you like them, see you next time!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Recreating the Our Generation Lunch Time Fun Time set!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Valencia! In todays post, I'm going to show you how we recreated the lunch time fun time set, we made everything except the menu and lunch card, I hope you enjoy!

Firstly, to make the lunch tray, we cut out pieces of cardboard with these measurements: (all in cm)

1- 10 by 6

2- 10 by 2

3- 2 by 8

2 (only 1 in the picture but we needed another)- 2 by 4

1- 2 by 2

Then, we hot glued them all together to make the tray.

And painted the tray a light blue like in the set, but you could choose another colour!

Next is the pasta! We used greaseproof paper and put a large amount of yellow paint. Then, we added small yellow balls (they were beados). Next, we added red paint and red beado balls. Once it was dry, we were able to peel it off the paper.

Now the celery and carrots! We used a barbecue skewer and cut 4 2cm pieces and 6 1 cm pieces. We used greaseproof paper and glued the 4 longer ones together and to the slide piled the 6 shorter ones. We then painted the longer ones green to be celery and the shorter ones orange to be carrot.

For the fruit, we used green, pink and orange beados, we put a large amount of hot glue onto greaseproof and and put the beads on top. We waited a bit and then it peeled off!

For the spoon/fork we drew a 6 cm by 2 cm rectangle, at one end a fork and the other a spoon. Then, joined them.

We then cut it out and painted both sides red.

For the grape juice, we used an old small glue stick lid. We filled it with purple paint and painted the outside purple. We also added a small straw. We drew around the lid before we added the paint, then painted the circle blue, folded it and added it to the top using hot glue. We left the paint inside to dry overnight but it still wasn't done, we still glued the lid on though.

For the cinnamon roll, we got a piece of cardboard 8 cm by 1 cm, we rolled it and let it go loose, then put it on greaseproof and filled the centre with hot glue and also added drips around the edge. Then, we peeled it off once it was dry and painted it by mixing a small amount of brown with white. Then, we added some white paint and small dots of brown.

Thank you so much for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed! See you soon!

Monday, July 25, 2022

How to sew a top for our generation dolls or any 18 inch doll! (with pattern)

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Aria and in today's post, I'm going to show you how to sew a doll top! We made the pattern ourselves, we hope you enjoy!

Firstly, here is the pattern. It should be roughly A4 size. Sorry if it isn't very clear, please comment if you need a clearer version and we can try and add a google drive link!

You can use stretchy fabric (old clothes etc.) or a cotton fabric like we did for this post, we have used both and they turn out perfectly!

First, pin the pattern to the fabric on a fold, so that when you fold it out it will be twice the size.

You will need 2 (one for each side).

Then, we began sewing! We started by hemming the bottom over on each piece a small amount, as long as it isn't too big, make sure that it is the same for both pieces.

It should look like this on the inside!
Then, by the armhole, there is the part where 2 lines meet, cut a small line there. This needs to be done 4 times (2 on each piece of fabric).
Then, you want to hem them, this was helped to fit better by the cut.
Each piece should look like this in the top corner. Sorry if it was slightly confusing, comment if you have any questions!
Then, fold the top over until it meets where you made the cut. Next, sew along as close to the edge of the fold as possible. This needs to be done for both pieces.
Finally, face both right sides together and sew along the side to join the 2 pieces together.
Then, turn it in the right way and all the sewing is done!
Next, cut a piece of ribbon roughly 20 inches. It may be easier to make it longer.
Then, put it through the tube made at the top on both sides. This will allow the top to fit easily and tie with a bow!

I hope you enjoyed, if you have any questions please comment below! See you next time!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Aria Bakes Cupcakes!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Aria! I wanted to write this post about me baking cupcakes, I hope you enjoy! Before I start, it is our summer holidays now so we have no school for 6 weeks! We will be posting our blog posts randomly but often, so lets get started!

I kinda forgot the recipe.. so I had to get the cookbook! 
I found the page and got out the ingredients.
Flour, sugar, butter and eggs.
Then I got out all the equipment: Tray, measuring spoons, icing, bowl, jug, fork, piping bag and mixer.
I started with the butter,
And put the whole pot into the bowl.
Next, I added 2 blue scoops of sugar.
Then, creamed them together with the mixer.
I next added 2 eggs to the jug.
And beat them with a fork!
I also added them to the creamed butter and sugar.
Then, mixed it with the blender.
Finally, I added 2 large scoops of flour.
And mixed it together with the blender.
Next, I put the cases into the tray.
And then I added the mixture.
I then let them cook in the oven.
I also filled the piping bag with blue icing, ready for once they were cooked.
I started by adding the blue icing first.
Then, prepared the red.

I began to ice the last 2 cakes!
Perfect, they look delicious!

I hope you enjoyed, see you next time!

Breakfast With Margo!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to show you Margo's breakfast! First ...