Monday, November 14, 2022

Talita's Big Ambition Post 8! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Talita! Today's post will be post 8 of my series, I hope you enjoy!

Me and Holly were getting ready for our big gymnastics competition we had been practicing for!
"I'm so nervous," exclaimed Holly.
"Definitely, I don't want to fail," I added.
"We have practiced lots, so we will hopefully be ok!" said Holly.
"I hope so!" I added.
Me and Holly finished getting ready!
So that we could look out best!

Then, it was time. The moment we had been waiting weeks for!
"Good afternoon girls, I hope you are ready for your gymnastics competition," greeted the examiner.
"We sure are!" we both chorused.
"Please may Talita go first," he stated.
"Good luck," encouraged coach Valencia. "You've got this!"
"Thank you!" I replied.
"Off you go!" instructed the examiner.
I began with my forward roll.
I was shaking rapidly with nerves.
But I still managed to do perfect, at least I think I did!
Time for my back handspring!
I did it!
"Thank you, good work," said the examiner.
"Well done Talita!" congratulated coach Valencia.
"Now, Holly's turn," announced the examiner.
"You can do this Holly!" cheered coach Valencia.

"Thank you!" she replied.
Holly started with a cartwheel.
Lovely ending!
A back handspring next!
Love it!
Well done Holly!
"Good effort!" encouraged coach Valencia.
"Perfect, thank you," said the examiner.

Then, we went back to the changing rooms after!
"That was awesome, I hope I did good!" stated Holly.
"I agree, I'm so nervous!" I added.
"We will have to see how we do!" exclaimed Holly.

"Yep, I hope we do well!" I added.

I hope you like this post, see you soon everyone!

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