Monday, July 31, 2023

The Surprise Party! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Aria!  In today's post, we are going to be posting a story we wrote in English at school! We use our doll names when doing creative writing at school and it took us almost the whole lesson! We have just added the pictures! Enjoy!

As Camila strolled through the forest, the trees whistled in the wind. The sun's rays radiated throughout the atmosphere like a bright light illuminating the path. The leaves flew across the ground, as the birds rustled in the glorious green bushes. The birds chirped their favourite melody as they soared through the sky. A peaceful time. A glorious time. Camila was having a wonderful day as she enjoyed the pleasures of the fabulous forest. Suddenly, a squirrel appeared in front of her, then disappeared as fast as it appeared. It was a glorious day, it sure was. 

Abruptly, Camila  heard a most frightening rustle in the trees. She jumped a mile. Startled she had been before, but not like this. A feeling of being followed. A feeling of anxiety. However, she quickly dismissed it. It could just be animals? Right? This was a forest after all. She carried on as if she never heard a thing. A silent smash invaded her mind. Was it her imagination? Or was it nature? Or was she right and she was being followed? She began running, running faster than she ever had before. Fear flooded through her as she rapidly raced through the forest. 

In the bushes Holly giggled. Then, Holly realised that Camila had gone. She didn’t mean to scare her. Holly began to move faster down the forest, hoping that she wouldn’t be spotted by Camila. Her thumping quiet footsteps were camouflaged into the atmosphere. Then, she witnessed Camila, who had slowed down now. Holly thought she should stop for a minute, she didn’t want to risk being seen by Camila.

Camila was relieved. She was finally away from all the noises. She witnessed beautiful butterflies of all the colours in the rainbow. She saw birds floating gracefully through the sky like a feather. She was having a peaceful and more ebullient time now that the startling noises had disappeared. 

Meanwhile at home, Valencia and Theodore were planning the party. All the decorations. All the games. Their excitement was bubbling up through them. Happiness. Joy. They were both over the moon to be throwing a birthday party for their best friend, Camila definitely deserved it. Holly’s job was to make sure that Camila didn’t find out, and to distract her from finding out that the party was happening. 

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Camila saw Holly. She shouted to her, hoping that she would hear her. As Holly realised that Camila had seen her, she knew that a distraction was necessary. As they approached each other, contrasting emotions filled them. Camila; glad she had realised it was only Holly making the noises. Holly; wondering how she was going to distract Camila. Holly thought it was best to go shopping, surely there would be some good distractions for Camila there. They had a wonderful time, picking out lots of fun things to do. 

However, at home, Valencia and Theodore had encountered a problem. They had no cake. Cake. The most important part of the party. They had ordered one, but it hadn’t come. Now what to do? How were they going to do this? Then, Valencia had an idea: she was going to go to the shop and buy one.

As Valencia approached the entrance, she heard familiar voices. Then, she realised it was Holly and Camila! Thankfully, Camila was distracted and Holly noticed. She quickly encouraged Camila to go to the park, and thankfully left without seeing Valencia. Now, time for Valencia to get the cake! She picked out the perfect one- a chocolate cake with strawberries! She went home as fast as she could, taking the long way to not go past the park and witness Camila seeing the cake. Finally, she arrived home!

Valencia and Theodore finished setting up all the decorations, ready to surprise Camila. Their excitement was overflowing, this was going to be amazing. All the final touches were made. All the special things for Camila. Just what they wanted to do for their best friend!

Holly and Camila were coming home from the park, Camila still had no idea. What a success! Especially after everything that had happened, Holly was quite proud of herself that she managed to keep it a secret. As they went into the house, Holly was ecstatic with excitement. Camila, having no idea what was happening, wondered the cause for Holly’s sudden excitement! They walked in and surprised Camila! She was happier than words could ever describe. It was the best thing that ever happened to her. Exactly what best friends are for.

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