Saturday, November 6, 2021

Our Generation Dolls Fireworks Show!

 Aria: Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, in todays post we are all going to be writing about yesterday evening when we celebrated fireworks night! Funny thing is, as we write this we hear the occasional firework as we are doing this in the evening, probably shouldn't be on the computer for so long at 8:45pm but we all couldn't wait to tomorrow to write this post!

Franco: Firstly, here we have a panorama photo of all of us wrapped up warm for the cold night! Even though we were inside, we thought it would be fun to still put coats, socks, boots on and everything else we wear when we are cold because then it would be like we were actually all going outside! You can also see all the Lori dolls at the bottom although Faith isn't completely in the photo, we dressed them up warm as well but they mostly have layers on as we don't have any mini doll coats or jackets!

Sia: Here are 2 photos of all of us with glow sticks! We have had some for quite a while so we decided to use them, we were going to have 2 each but we only had 11 left (one less!) so we decided to only have one each and keep the other 5! If you have any fun ideas on what we could do with them in a You Tube video or blog post, we would love it if you could comment down below! We love the glow sticks so much they are still working and we have them by our beds, our bedrooms were so bright and colourful last night it felt wonderful! If you are wondering what the extra light is, it is the campfire and lantern from Our Generation!

Holly: Next, Aria and Franco started cooking food! We each chose one thing, in this photo they are cooking a burger each for themselves and a sausage each for Sia and Talita!

Talita: Then, Vera started cooking the burgers for herself, Faith and Cornelia!

Valencia: Sia started preparing hot chocolate to be warmed on the campfire! We also took some photos of Holly and Talita taking photos of me and Sia with our glow sticks, but our phone didn't save them or we lost them somehow so we can't show you them we are super sorry but we promise you it was fun!

Aria: Here is a photo of me cooking the hot chocolate and Franco cooking Holly and Valencia's marshmallows!

Franco: Here is Vera juggling cooking hot chocolate and another burger (she cooked the third one in between the 2 photos!).

Sia: Here are the Lori dolls enjoying their hot chocolate and burgers!
Holly: Here is Aria and Franco with their hot chocolate and burgers!
Talita: Next up is Holly and Valencia sat in the tent with their hot chocolate and marshmallows!
Valencia: Here we have Sia and Talita with their hot chocolate and sausages!
Aria: You won't believe it..... the most important thing about this post..... we can't find the pictures...... The firework photos are missing, we aren't sure what happened we are super super sorry!! We hope you still enjoyed this post, if you have any post ideas or You Tube video ideas we would love it if you could comment them down below or send them to our email we would love it! Thank you for visiting our blog!
Holly, Aria, Sia, Valencia, Talita and Franco!:)

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Lori Dolls Outfit Ideas!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...