Monday, November 1, 2021

Our Generation Dolls Halloween 2021!

 All Of Us: Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog! Happy one day late Halloween if you celebrate it! Yesterday us dolls had some Halloween fun, so lets get started with what we did!

Holly: Firstly, we each had 2 photos we took in a Halloween scene we made! We made a video about it for our shorts channel ( which will be posted either Wednesday or Thursday! Here are my 2 photos, I love them so much!

Valencia: Here are my 2 photos I took! Don't you think I look super cute!

Franco: Next up are my photos, I really enjoyed taking these!

Here are the 2 photos I took, don't I look so funny!

Sia: These are the 2 photos of me, I loved being creative when taking them!

Talita: Finally, here are my 2 photos, I think I look super adorable!

Holly: Next, we made a lucky dip with sweets in the treats cycle! Some of the sweets are from American Girl Ideas and some we made other ways, some our friends made (thank you!) and some are Our Generation! Above are 2 photos, the first one is me choosing my sweets and the 2nd one is me with the 2 sweets as we got 2 each! Yes, we did close our eyes when we all chose them!

Valencia: Here are my photos of me choosing my sweets and what I got, I love them so so much!

Franco: Above are the photos of me when I got my sweets, I had so much fun!

Aria: Here is me with my sweets! The fabric for my costume is a bit translucent so I still had to cover my eyes!

Sia: Here is me with the sweets I got, they were delicious!

Talita: Here is a photo of me choosing and with my yummy sweets!

All of us to finish the post!

Above are photos of each of us eating one of our sweets! We had an amazing Halloween this year and we can't wait to start celebrating Christmas soon (we like to celebrate early, so stay tuned in roughly 2-4 weeks for Christmas content!). We have also decided to do some non-Christmas at Christmas time as we know there may be people who don't celebrate Christmas who read our blog and watch our You Tube channels, or there may also be people who don't start celebrating as early as us so if you have any Christmas or non-Christmas video or blog post ideas, we would love it if you could comment them down below or send them to our email !

Thank you for reading!

Holly Aria Sia Valencia Talita Franco

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