Saturday, November 27, 2021

Our Generation Rainbow Academy Outfit Review!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly here today and I'm going to be reviewing my new school uniform from Our Generation called Rainbow Academy! If you are wondering who will wear my old uniform, it is Talita because her other uniform isn't a proper one it is one we put together, so she is happy as well! Lets get into the review, sorry if some of the photos have funny lighting, we were using a torch to try and make it better and to focus on the pieces in the set!

Here is the top, it is a sky blue colour with a white collar. It feels like a real school polo top so that is good as it makes it more realistic. Another feature making it more realistic is the rainbow. This is because it looks like a school logo, just a rainbow instead! It also has the our generation logo on, there is usually at least 1 in each outfit set. There are no buttons but there is the place you would usually have buttons.

Here we have the back of the top, it opens and closes with velcro.

Here is the skirt, it is super adorable and feels really good quality! It has a pink elastic waistband, it doesn't feel like it stretches as good as other our generation skirts but it still fits well. There is a layer of netting/tulle which feels thin, but also strong and it will probably last a long time. Underneath the netting/tulle there is a really adorable fabric with rainbows which look like rabbits, we love it so so much!

Here we have the shoes. They are a lovely dark pink colour with sparkles, they are made of plastic and feel really good quality! They are the same style as the shoes Franco came with. The only thing is, you can see the feet of the doll who is wearing them as they are translucent but apart from that, they are adorable!

Onto the accessories!! Here is the pen this set came with, I decided to give it to Valencia! It is a line of many hearts in different colours. We played schools earlier today so we have used this pen and it was super cool, we love how Our Generation is being creative and not just making a standard pen, they are making them different! The only thing is it is flexible which can be difficult when we are playing but it doesn't affect it too much and if you were doing photography it wouldn't affect the photos as all.

Finally we have the bag! It is a dark blue colour with a lovely rainbow design. There is a pink zip which actually works, making it easy to open and close the bag! We love how large the bag is, meaning we can fit more than just a phone in like some other Our Generation bags, another thing we really like it how the bag is a rainbow shape, matching the name (Rainbow Academy) and the logo on the top, meaning it really matches the 'school' this outfit is made for!

Finally, here is me wearing the outfit!! I don't have the accessories in this photo, but they are wonderful! I think this outfit is a wonderful buy and we would definitely recommend it if you are considering buying it for your dolls or putting it on your Christmas list! Thank you so much for reading!


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