Monday, February 28, 2022

Two Persons In One- OG Dolls Photostory Season 1 post 1

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, Franco here today! I'm writing this from our phone as we are having a few problems transferring photos from our phone to the computer (as the computer is like 10 years old!) and we are really excited for this post, so I really hope you enjoy it! We have been wanting to do a series on our blog for a long time, and we finally decided to make one! It is called Two persons in one and the star is Valencia, along with me and Holly who are co-stars! There are 2 seasons each with 8 posts, we hope you enjoy! Also, each post will be from someone point of view, it will say at the top, I'm really excited, let's start!

Franco's Point Of View 

As we got off the train from our long day shopping in town, I noticed Valencia was being rather quiet, that is very unusual for her as she is usually full of energy, I knew we had had a long day but there has to be something wrong.
As we carried on walking down the street, Holly was being her usual bubbly self and playing with her new hula hoop, but Valencia was still quiet and hadn't said a word since we got off the train.
I decided to ask if she was ok.
"You ok, Valencia?" I asked, "did you have fun shopping?"
"Yep, it was good," replied Valencia.
I mean, she was slightly happy, I knew she was but something wasn't right and I knew it.
Valencia's house was first, so we had to say bye to her, she still seemed unusual, like something was bothering her, it is on my mind constantly.
I decided to discuss it with Holly.
"Did you notice anything unusual about Valencia?" I asked.
"Nah not really, she just had sugar rush I think, we had lots of cake!" replied Holly (she always has excitement in her voice).
"Oh Holly, even you realized there was something wrong didn't you?" I questioned.
"I tell you Franco, if there was something wrong, I would be on the case right away, there is nothing so I have no case!" responded Holly.
We said bye, I have no idea what Holly says sometimes, but she does know how to comfort people, I can tell you that!

Even after my conversation with Holly, there was no way I could focus on my reading that night, I knew deep down there was something wrong, so small, even Holly hadn't noticed, which is rare.

So everyone, I hope you enjoy this first post of the series! Anyone have any ideas on what it is about? Well, we are all very excited for it so stay tuned for more!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Our Generation and Lori dolls cat photoshoot!

Hello everyone and welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In todays post, it's me Talita and I'm going to be showing you a photoshoot I did with Sia and our Lori doll Cornelia and with our pet cats, so lets get started!

 I hope you enjoyed the photos, I loved taking them! If you have any blog post or YouTube video ideas, be sure to comment them down below, comment on the latest short on our shorts channel or you can email us, we would love to hear them! Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Printable Doll Maths Worksheets!


Hello everyone and welcome back to EverythingOGDolls or welcome if you are new! In todays post, it's me Aria and I am going to be showing you some doll printable maths worksheets we made! Down below is a google drive link to the printable, hopefully it works as it is our first time trying this! You should be able to download and print it and if you would like them for a smaller doll, feel free to resize them! They are an a4 size when they are not changed. If the printable doesn't work/you have any questions, feel free to comment them below, email us or you can comment on the latest short on our YouTube channel ( or there may be comments on the google drive document!

I hope it works for printing! We love these sheets, we have already played schools with them and we can all work on what we need! Here is a photo of Talita doing the division worksheet!

I hope your dolls like their new maths worksheets if you decide to print them! We are very sorry if you don't have a printer we understand they are expensive so if anyone has any crafts they would like us to make a tutorial for which don't need a printer, feel free to comment below, comment on the document, on the latest short on our shorts channel or you can email us, we would love to hear your ideas!
Thanks for visiting!

Monday, February 21, 2022

DIY Doll Doctor Accessories From Clay!

 Hello everyone and welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In todays post, it's me Franco and I'm going to be showing you how to make some doll doctor accessories from clay. You can make them smaller or bigger to fit any size doll, so let's get started!

The first thing we are going to be making is a thermometer! 

To start, you will need a ball of medium sized piece of clay, the colour you can choose, we chose yellow.
Then, you need to make it into the main shape, one larger end, one smaller end.
Next, you need to add a small square of clay on the larger end, for where the temperature shows. It can be any colour, we chose white.
Then, you can cover the end in the same colour or a different colour, we chose the same,
The next thing we are going to be making is a syringe!

To start with, you need a ball of any colour clay. We chose red!
Then, you need to shape it into the main part of the syringe.
Next, you need 2 balls of  any colour clay, we chose yellow,
You can add a piece on the end as the needle.
Then, you need to shape the part in the right, which moves up and down (sorry I don't know what it is called!) and you are done!

Be sure to let the clay either air dry or bake, depending on the type of clay. If your clay needs baking, definitely get an adults help and permission when using the oven.
Our clay is air dry, here they are all finished. Don't they look so cute!
They are so much fun to play with and take pictures!

We love them so much!
I hope you enjoyed this post, I love the accessories we made! If you have any YouTube video or blog post ideas, be sure to comment them down below, comment on the latest short on our shorts channel or you can email us, we would love to hear them! I hope you enjoyed!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Our Generation and Lori Dolls Valentines Day 2022!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In todays post, it's me Franco and I'm going to be sharing with you everything we all got from our secret Valentines and some delicious cookies we ate for Valentines day, so lets get started!

First, here we all are eating heart shaped cookies! As we only have 5 and didn't have enough time to make another one before Valentines day, Sia decided to have a jam pastry!
Here are the mini dolls, they had chocolate cookies!
Now, onto what we got from our secret Valentines, sorry if I get the person who gave us the present wrong, I am doing it from memory!

Firstly, Sia got 2 ball-and-stick models, they are what you use to visually see elements from the periodic table! Her secret Valentine was Holly!
Next, I got a basketball hoop! My secret Valentine was Sia!
Then, Aria got a journal! Her secret person was Talita!
Holly got bath salts and bath bubbles, her secret person was Valencia!
Talita got a bed for a cat who she has named Tilly, I was her secret person!
Valencia got some ballet legwarmers, her secret person was Aria!
Sullivan got a fish tank, his secret person was Cornelia!
Vera got a yoga mat, her secret person was Aria!
Cornelia got some savoury rice meals, her secret person was Sullivan!
Last but not least, Vera got 2 cakes and her secret person was Cornelia!

Thank you so much for reading this post, we really hope you enjoyed it! We had an amazing Valentines day, we hope you all did to! If you have any blog post or YouTube video ideas, be sure to comment them down below or you can comment on the latest video on our shorts channel or you can email us, we would love to hear them!

Breakfast With Margo!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to show you Margo's breakfast! First ...