Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Two Persons In One Photo Story Series Season 1 Post 4!

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly here today! I'm going to be showing you post 4 of our Two Persons In One series, written from my perspective, I hope you enjoy!

"I caught a butterfly, what do you think?" I exclaimed happily.
"It looks so cool Holly!" replied Franco, "would you like a go now Valencia?"
"I'm good thanks," she replied, "you can have a go if you like."
"Are you sure?" I asked, "it is really fun!"
"I said I'm fine." Valencia replied abruptly.
"Ok then, If you are sure," I said, "would you like a go Franco?"
"As long as Valencia is ok with that, I would love to!" he replied," would it be ok to go to the other side of the park as I want to catch a different type of butterfly?"
"Me and Franco are going to the other side of the park, would you like to come?" I asked Valencia.
"No thanks," she replied sounding upset, "my ankle hurts, I'm going to rest here."
"Ok then, suit yourself." I replied.
"Hey Franco, why did you wanna come over here??" I questioned.
"You see Holly," he answered, "I need to talk to you in private and I had a feeling Valencia wouldn't come."
"Is it about Valencia as I see what you talked about, she acting weird." I added.
"Yes it is, it is all I am thinking about," stated Franco, "I think we need to tell her, she may have noticed and doesn't know how to explain."
"Yeah, but what about if she thinks we are completely strange??" I asked.
"No she..." said Franco.
"Or what if she doesn't want to be our friend anymore..." I questioned.
"...that won't happen..." Franco started.
"Or what if it is an absolute DISASTER!!!" I screamed.
"...calm down Holly," added Franco," it will be ok, I promise."
"You think?" I asked.
"Yes, really," now, before we tell her how about I catch that butterfly?" stated Franco.
"Ok, good idea!" I exclaimed.
"Ok, here I come butterfly!" said Franco.
Up in the air went the net!
What a beautiful butterfly Franco caught!
"That butterfly is awesome!!" exclaimed Holly.
"Thank you, I love it!" replied Franco.
"You know what, I think we should go get it done with and tell her, don't you?" I asked.
"I was so confident, but now I feel petrified," said Franco.
"You know what, Valencia is our friend," I comforted Franco," even if her first reaction is bad, I think it will be ok!"
Off they went, back to the other side of the park. Back to Valencia.
As they arrived, they noticed Valencia very quiet and subdued. 
"You ready Holly?" whispered Franco.
"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied, nervous.
"Hey Valencia," Franco said, "we have been noticing you have been quiet lately."
"Yeah, you ok?" I asked.
"I'm fine." she replied abruptly.
"Are you sure nothing is troubling you?" asked Franco kindly.
"We will help, we are your friends," I added.
(Sorry this image is blurry!)
"I told you, there is nothing wrong," she replied, coldly.
"I'm going home, I will see you soon," said Valencia, and left.
"Oh Holly," said Franco, worried.
"Oh Holly, what?" I asked sarcastically.
"What do we do..." he added.
"You know, I have no idea...….." I said.
(Holly note: This next part is from Valencia's perspective!)
As Valencia read, there was only one thing on her mind. What Franco and Holly had said.
"You really don't think there is anything wrong, Philippa?" Valencia asked.
"Honestly. how many times do I have to say," comforted Philippa," I have noticed nothing strange about you, don't worry."
"You know what Philippa, I think you are right, we have nothing to worry about!" said Valencia, cheerily.

Hey people, Holly here! I hope you enjoyed this post, we love writing this series! If you have any blog post or YouTube videos you would like us to make, be sure to comment down below, comment on the latest video on our YouTube channel with comments or send us an email,, we would love to hear them! Thank you for reading, be sure to check out some of our other posts!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Sia's Volcano Science Experiment Photoshoot!

Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog! In today's post, it's me Sia and I'm going to be sharing with you a photoshoot I did with my volcano science set recently, I hope you enjoy!

 Thank you so much for visiting our blog and looking at my photos, I really hope you like them! If you have any blog post or YouTube video ideas, be sure to comment them down below, comment on the latest video on our YouTube channel with comments (most shorts!) or you can email us, we would love to hear from you! Have a fun doll-filled day!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Two Persons In One Photo Story Season 1 Post 3!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In today's post, it's me Franco here and I'm going to be writing Two Persons In One Season 1 Post 3 Today, from my perspective, I hope you enjoy! 

As me, Holly and Valencia walked along on this lovely early spring day, it was still on my mind how Valencia had been recently. She was becoming more and more silent, even more enclosed and to herself. It was worrying me terribly.
She was walking along and none of us saw the pile of sticks right in front of her, she seemed completely oblivious even to the direction she was walking in. 
She suddenly tripped, I bent down to check she wasn't hurt.

"Valencia, Valencia??" asked Franco worried, "are you ok, do you need help?"
"Ouch, my ankle hurts so bad.." screamed Valencia.
"Don't worry, I will help you up," replied Franco anxiously," we need to go to the hospital."
Me and Holly helped Valencia walk. I didn't want to call an ambulance as there are definitely people who need to get to the hospital quicker but as she was in so much pain I had no time to go get the motorbike, but thankfully she was ok with me and Holly helping, it was only a short walk.
When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor asked me to help Valencia onto the bed and rested Valencia's ankle on a pillow. Holly sat on the chair and read a magazine, there was no way she could not run around as she has lots of energy but of course that is not right in a hospital. Valencia had started shivering, so she had to have a thermal blanket.
Meanwhile, Holly seemed worried, which is unlike her. Holly cares, I know she does but she is usually very strong and optimistic.
"Me scared Franco," mumbled Holly.
"It will be ok, the doctors are all nice and they will help Valencia feel better soon don't worry." I replied comfortingly.
Valencia was still very quiet and did not complain of much pain, nor say much which is not normal for her when she is hurt. Maybe it relates to how she has been feeling recently.
The doctor did many things to Valencia, such as check her heartbeat.
Another thing she used was the oximeter, to check her oxygen levels.
This is when I got really worried. Valencia had to have an oxygen mask to assist her breathing as her oxygen levels were too low, I felt petrified.
The doctor did some more tests, including her blood pressure.
Next, she checked Valencia's temperature.
Finally, she checked her ears.
She had a feel over Valencia's leg and went to get a bandage and crutches, it would take time to heal.
Holly seemed more aware of what was going on, instead of her magazine, she could tell the intense feeling of the situation. 
"What gonna happen Franco?" asked Holly, worriedly.
"She will have a bandage and crutches, all which will help her feel better," comforted Franco," there is nothing to worry about."
The doctor arrived back with the crutches (Valencia's favourite colour- pink!) and the bandage.
She carefully wrapped the bandage around Valencia's ankle, it seemed much better now.
With all the busy events, Valencia must have been worn out and she fell asleep. Because of this, the doctor made us wait a little longer.
The doctor came back and Valencia awoke so she was able to take the oxygen mask off and we could leave the hospital.
Sorry this image is blurry, we still wanted to post it as it is important for the story!
"How do you feel Valencia?" I asked as we walked out.
"I'm good thanks," she replied.
"Me like carry shoe," exclaimed Holly. (You may not understand as the picture is blurry- Holly was carrying her shoe as of course she had her bandage on so couldn't wear it!)
"That's good," said Valencia.
I am still worried about Valencia, she hasn't been herself lately, she just doesn't want to speak much. I don't know what to do but I have a feeling something is going to happen soon.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! I love this series so far! If you have any blog post or YouTube video ideas, be sure to comment down below, comment on the latest video with comments on our YouTube channel or you can email us, we would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!

Breakfast With Margo!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to show you Margo's breakfast! First ...