Friday, April 15, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 1 Post 6!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to EverythingOGDolls! In todays post, it's me Franco here and I'm going to be writing post 6 of two persons in one!

"Hi Franco, how are you doing today?" asked Valencia.
"I'm good my throat feels better," I replied, "would it be ok if I can have a cold strawberry milkshake please?"
"Sure thing, I will go." replied Valencia.
Valencia began by finding the milk and strawberries from the fridge.
Then, she began chopping, careful of her fingers.
Next she poured the milk into the blender.
But she spilt some...
"Ugghhh..." muttered Valencia, "I feel so out of control again today!"
She cleaned up the milk and carried on.
"Right, concentrate concentrate carefully," muttered Valencia.
Then, it started blending!
It was all done, so she poured it into a glass for Franco,
"Whoa," muttered Valencia, "that was hard, I felt so out of control."
Then to make matters worse, she almost tripped as she approached the room..
"Are you ok?" I questioned, "you nearly fell."
"Here's your milkshake, and I think I am ok," she answered, "I just have the funny out of control feeling again."
"Thanks for the milkshake, I may have a bad sore throat but you can always tell me anything!" I said reassuringly.
"Thanks, your the best," Valencia replied.
"Me bored..." screamed Holly," can we colour?"
"That sounds a great idea!" I replied.
"Yippee!!" exclaimed Holly.
"I'll get the books and crayons," added Valencia.
"Thank you so much, you are awesome!" I said.
Valencia opened her bag, looking for the crayons.
"Why did I just make such a big mess!!!" screamed Valencia, "I only want crayons, not a calculator."
"At least they are here." said Valencia relieved.
She gathered the colouring books as well!
Then, we all sat down and had fun colouring!
But suddenly Valencia didn't feel right again.
"What is that thing about electrons and charge in Chemistry??" questioned Valencia, "I feel really weird, almost like I am charging."
"Well, I can't exactly remember, but you definitely shouldn't be able to feel it." I replied worried.
" I only really listen in history, but Sia may know!" chirped Holly.
"Well, it may be one of your strange feelings?" I added.
"I have no idea, it has suddenly gone..." said Valencia.

Hello everyone, Franco back! I hope you enjoyed todays post, ifb you have any blog post or YouTube video ideas, please comment below, comment on the latest video with comments on our YouTube channel or you can email us! Thanks for visiting!

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 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...