Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Our Generation Dolls Swimming Lesson!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, Aria here! I made a photo story with Sia and Talita for todays post, I hope you enjoy!

"Talita, are you ready for swimming?" asked Sia, "I'm super excited!"
"Yes definitely, I can't wait to practice today," replied Talita.
"I think we are starting!" Sia mentioned.
"Good morning girls," I stated, "how are you?"
"Great thank you!" they chorused.
"Wonderful, so to start todays lesson I would like you to get in the pool safely," I stated.
First, they sat on the side.
Carefully turned around.
All ready for a wonderful lesson!
"Perfect girls, first I would like to see you hold onto the side and kick your legs," I said.
They held onto the side, they were on their backs.
The kicking was perfect!
"Now, I would like you to swim on your front down to the end," I instructed.
They were perfect.
All the way to the end!
"Now, come back on your back," I instructed.
Starting off really good.
Sia went a little out of line, but overall perfect.
"Now, take it in turns to swim along the surface with the snorkel, Talita first," I stated.
Starting strong.

She turned at the end.
Great job Talita!
Then, Sia began swimming.

Perfect, Sia!
Now, I would like you to practice swimming on your back with the swimming noodles,
Very graceful!


"Well done, good job today," I mentioned, "time to safely get out."
They climbed up.
And turned round carefully from the edge.
"Well done I hope you had fun girls!" I added, "see you next week!"
"It was so fun today wasn't it Sia!" Talita mentioned.

"I agree, it was amazing!" replied Sia.

Thank you for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed!

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