Friday, June 17, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 2 Post 6 | Our Generation Dolls Photo Story!

 Hello people and welcome back to our blog, it is the most important star of the show if I do not say so myself... HOLLY!!!! So, dramatic entrance done let me inform you on todays post... nah that just too formal for me... Anyway, if Aria knows about my super long intro I will probably have no sweets for a month, so todays post is Two Persons In One Post 6 from season 2 from the perspective of moi, the one and only Holly, enjoy people!!

Me and the fabulous Franco had just stepped off the train, bubbling with excitement!
"I'm so excited!!" I exclaimed.
"Definitely I agree, I have missed her so much!" replied Franco.
"Which way is it to the street?" I queried.
"Down here, and turn left," answered Franco.
I hate walking, especially long distances. But if it means we can find Valencia, I am prepared to walk for miles!
Off we went, it was long...
"Are we nearly there yet??" I bugged Franco.
"Yes, 5 minutes to go!" he replied cheerfully.
"I think we are here," Franco said, unsure.
"This doesn't look like houses, I think we are at a market." I answered.
There was rows of stalls, the first one had delicious treats, yummy!
"I think it is a few streets over now I see," added Franco.
"Can I buy something, I'm hungry after all this walking," I groaned.
"Sure, can you get me a cake, please?" Franco stated.
"Of course!" I replied.
"Thanks Holly, remember your manners," Franco added.
"Hi please can I have a doughnut and a cupcake?" I asked (yep, I remembered my manners, said it nicely and didn't forget please!).
"Yes of course you can," she replied.
As she prepared them, they looked mouth-wateringly delicous! 
"Thank you so much!" I replied.

"I got them, and remembered my manners!" I presented proudly.
"Perfect, well done and thank you Holly!" replied Franco.
It was SO good!!
Franco enjoyed his as well.
We carried on walking, desperate to find Valencia.
"I think this is the door," Franco stated nervous but excited.
"It has to be, just knock and if it isn't just apologize and say you got the wrong house," I comforted.
"I guess you are right Holly, I will knock." Franco replied.
And he knocked...
"HOLLY!!" screamed Valencia, "FRANCO!"
"VALENCIA!!" chorused me and Franco.
"I missed you so much!!" I screamed.
"I missed you too, Holly!" answered Valencia, excited.
"How are you doing Valencia, it has been so weird without you!" said Franco, grateful we had found Valencia.
"I'm well, just beyond glad I am finally back with you!" replied Valencia, through tears of happiness.

We were all so glad to be finally back together!

I hope you enjoyed this post my wonderful readers people!! Also, we all wanted to say a huge thank you to our 4 followers, it took us around 6 months to get our first follower and we are definitely not all about the views so we carried on and created many fun posts which we really enjoyed! Now, at over 100 posts, we have 4 followers??!! It may not be a lot, but to us it means the world so thank you so much! When we reach 10 followers we have a special idea but we will save it to tell you then! New post coming on Monday!

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Lori Dolls Outfit Ideas!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...