Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 2 Post 7! | Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Valencia here today! I'm going to be writing post 7 from Two Persons In One, I hope you enjoy!

"So Valencia, I'm so excited to finally see you!" smiled Franco, "are you ready to go home?"
"Yes I think so, it was a very strange maybe slightly fun experience but I would definitely like to go home!" I chimed.
"I wouldn't mind it happening to me, do you think you could transport me next?" asked Holly inquisitively.
"I wouldn't recommend it Holly!" I exclaimed.
"Even though I love science, I think Valencia is right but if you would like to just send me a message," the woman replied. 
"Well, I don't think we need anything happening quite yet, Holly!" added Franco.
"Well, it was nice meeting you even if it was a strange way!" she stated.
"I think what you did is so cool!" Holly added.
"Well thank you, it was very interesting! "she replied.
"I think it is time to go now!" I smiled.
"Yes definitely, you ready Holly?" asked Franco.
"Yes me ready," she replied.
"It was nice meeting you, see you again hopefully!" she replied.
"Yes definitely," I added, "time to get on the train!"
We all lined up at the train station.
"Hi, please can I have 3 train tickets?" requested Franco.
"Of course you can," replied the train attendant.
"Three seats this way please," she stated.
We all sat comfortably on the train.

Time to go home, I thought to myself happily.

I hope you enjoyed everyone! There is only one more post of this series left, I can't believe we have been writing it for 4 months! See you next time everyone!

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