Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Two Persons In One Season 2 Post 8 | Our Generation Dolls Photo Story!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Valencia here and I'm going to be writing the final post of season 2 from 2 persons in one! I really hope you enjoy, there may or may not be a season 3 we haven't decided yet but it won't be for a few months as we would like to do Talita's photo story series next! Enjoy!

Holly had missed me lots. And well, I mean more than a bit, just a lot. She had done my hair perfectly because I hadn't done anything to it since I left. We also began doing our nails, it was awesome!
I started by brushing.
We had blue, purple and pink nail polish, amazing!
"I think I see Franco!" stated Holly.
"Yes, I wonder what it is?" I queried.
"Hey Franco!" exclaimed Holly.
"Hi girls, I was wondering if you would like to order some pizza as a mini celebration for Valencia coming back?" Franco asked.
"Yes please!" I replied.
"That would be epic!" replied Holly.
"Perfect, I will go get the menu," answered Franco.
"Here it is, Valencia can choose because it is to celebrate her coming back!" Franco smiled.
There were so many choices!
"I think a cheese and tomato pizza!" I giggled. 
"That sounds good!" awed Holly.
"Of course, I will order it and it will be here soon!" Franco mentioned.
Whilst we waited, me and Holly read magazines!

"Girls, the pizza is here!" exclaimed Franco.
We each took a slice, it looked amazing!
"This tastes so good!" grinned Holly.
"The best!" I added.
"I agree!" Franco smiled.
"I'm so glad you are back Valencia," mentioned Holly.
"I agree, I couldn't imagine being without you again!" I exclaimed.

Thank you so much for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed! We may or may not wait a few weeks before we start Talita's gymnastics series and do some single post photo stories because we haven't done one in a while, see you soon!

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Lori Dolls Outfit Ideas!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to be showing you some Lori Dolls outfit ...