Thursday, February 2, 2023

A Good Friend Makes Good Times Lori Dolls Photo Story Post 1!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Valencia! We have decided to make a photo story series with our Lori dolls and this is the first post. I hope you enjoy!

It was a normal ballet class for Philippa. Time for lots of fun!
"Okay class, today I would like you to meet our new student!" announced Margo. 
A new student, thought Philippa. Interesting.
"I'd like you to all give a warm welcome to Cherie!" exclaimed Margo.
"Hello, I'm very excited to be here!" replied Cherie.
"Thank you for coming," added Margo. "Now, let's begin with stretches."
Philippa began hers.
So did Cherie, perfect!
"I can do better than that," whispered Philippa to herself.
"Now, time for twirling!" announced Margo.
Cherie started hers.
What is she doing? Thought Philippa.
I can do it much better!
"Now, time to use the bar!" instructed Margo.
They both began on the bar. Very graceful indeed.
Philippa was still criticizing Cherie. Convinced of herself that she was doing much better.
"Well done class, see you next week!" announced Margo.
Philippa thought about approaching Cherie, and without a second thought went ahead and did.
"Do you know what ballet is?" questioned Philippa.
"It is only my first lesson, but I do know some," answered Cherie, shyly.
"Well, maybe practice before next week," replied Philippa.
"Sorry, I know I'm not that good," added Cherie.
"Well, you won't progress if you carry on like you are," said Philippa.
"See you next week," replied Cherie.
And off she went.

Philippa started to have second thoughts about what she said to Cherie. Was it kind? Was it the right thing? But she quickly dismissed them, it was only a bit right?

I hope you like the start, we will be posting this one every Thursday and we are making a new Our Generation Dolls one on Monday which will be posted every Monday!

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