Thursday, November 23, 2023

The case of the missing croissant! Lori Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Theodore! Today's post is a Lori Dolls photo story!

First, Thomas began making the croissants!
Once they came out if the oven, he thought they smelled and looked delicious!
He quickly went to check his orders, to make sure he had made enough.
Minnie the dog could smell something good. What was it?
She went to explore!
Minnie thought the croissants looked delicious!
She rapidly devoured one!
Then, quickly ran away, dashing to make sure she didn't get caught.
Then, Thomas walked back. He suddenly noticed a croissant missing.
"Hey Thomas!" exclaimed Philippa.
"Hi Philippa!" he replied.
"You ok?" she asked. "You seem a bit flustered."
"I'm good, a croissant has just gone missing," he replied.
"Hang on," stated Philippa. "I hear woofing... I think I know who took it!''
Thomas quickly followed Philippa 

Then, they both found a very guilty looking Minnie the dog!

Thank you for reading!

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