Monday, April 8, 2024

Haven the helper! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Haven! Today I'm here with another photo story, I hope you enjoy!

"Ah Haven, do you think you could go to the market for me please?" asked Aria.
"Sure thing, what do you need?" replied Haven.
"Some tomatoes please," answered Aria.
"Of course!" exclaimed Haven.
Haven got on her motorbike, the wind passing its happiness to her as the breeze brushed past.
"Hello, please can I have some tomatoes?" asked Haven.
"Yes you can," answered Sia.
Haven wanted to pick the most vibrant ones!
"I'll just weigh them and calculate the price," stated Sia.
Haven handed over her money. The wind almost stole it from her!
"Thank you!'' exclaimed Haven.
"Here's your tomatoes!" stated Haven.
"Thanks, your the best!" replied Aria.
Camila's anxiety was bubbling over her- how was she going to do the difficult maths?
"Haven, please can you help?" asked Camila.
"Of course, let me look," replied Haven.
"Thank you!" exclaimed Camila.

Just as Haven was hoping to go to her bedroom, someone else called her....
"Haven, please can you do my makeup??" asked Holly, impatiently.
"Why does everyone want my help!!" exclaimed Haven.

Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed! See you soon!

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