Friday, December 31, 2021

The New Year With Our Generation Dolls!

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog! Today is... New Years Eve!! We are so excited for new year as we are going to be filming a YouTube video of us dolls celebrating, we have some videos uploaded to both our YouTube channels and we have some exciting blog news!! In this post, we are going to be sharing with you something all of us have made and our doll new years resolutions so lets get started!

Holly: So everyone, lets start with me, the one who started it all! The first thing I am going to be showing you is... my sign off picture! Every time us dolls write a blog post you may now about 95% of them are written by just one of us so we are each having a sign off picture instead of just writing our name with random emojis, so here is mine!

What do you think of mine?! We made them on Canva and every year we will each have a new one with all the photos being from the previous year, so all my photos are from 2021 as this is for 2022!
Now for my new years resolution! Now, you may not think this is a proper new years resolution but I think it is a pretty good one! Eat MORE sweets!! Now, you may be thinking aren't new years resolutions to be a better person and not eat so much unhealthy food? Well, I don't think I eat enough sweets! So I guess it is a good one for me!

Aria: Hello everyone Aria here! I think Holly's new years resolution is really strange, but anyways, let me show you my amazing sign off picture!

What do you all think? I LOVE it! We did all use the same background and it just had to be pink didn't it? Oh well, I'm not going to let that ruin my beautiful photos! There is always next year, maybe it will be blue then! Next up my new years resolution! My resolution is.... to become an expert baker! I want to practice making beautiful cakes that smell and taste delicious! And make cakes for occasions such as birthdays!

Sia: Next up me Sia! Lets start with my sign-off photo!

I love it so much! Especially the photo in the bottom left, if you know I chose it as my photo in one of our YouTube intros but not the 2022 one (which is premiering at MIDNIGHT!) and I LOVE this photo so much!! I think I look adorable!! Now, my new years resolution is.... to expand the fruits I use in the smoothies I make! Currently I only make blackberry and avocado smoothies and I would like to try other fruits such as bananas or oranges and maybe mix some fruits as well!

Valencia: Beautiful ballet dancer here! Now, time for my sign-off photo!

 What do you think of my photo everyone?! Of course I had to include some photos from when me, Talita and Franco went to Poole, that was awesome! Now, my new years resolution is to practice more ballet! I want to become an amazing professional ballet dancer!

Talita: Hello people Talita here! So lets start with my sign-off photo!

 What do you all think of it?! I love everything especially my Halloween costume photo! Now, for my new years resolution! I am hoping to play every doll instrument we have extremely well! I can play them all as I am an expert at music but I am not perfect at them!

Franco: Hello everyone! Me Franco here and it's my turn to show you mu sign-off photo! Here it is!

What do you all think? I love it so much! Especially me holding the 2 build a bear t-shirts! Now time for my new years resolution, can anyone guess? It is to do with pizza.... to make many different types of pizza! Currently I don't make that many different pizzas so I want to make loads with different toppings!

All of us here!

Now we have shown you our sign-off photos and told you our new years resolutions, it's time to tell you one last thing we might do! We are thinking of re-writing our profiles on the our doll family page! We won't definitely be doing it but if we do we won't do them all at once, we will do them over a few days! So, there is one last thing to say from all of us.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We hope 2022 is a great year for you, your dolls and your families! So we will post again in 2022, stay tuned for our YouTube videos and we hope you like the photo we made below! We won't be using our sign-off photos in this post, they are for 2022! See you next year everyone!

Holly, Aria, Sia, Valencia, Talita and Franco!! :)πŸ˜€πŸ’—πŸ’–

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Our Generation OG Explorers Accessory Set Review!

Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, it's Franco here today! In this post, I'm going to be reviewing the Our Generation OG Explorers Accessory Set we got for Christmas, so lets get started! I'm really excited as this set includes many adorable pieces!

Here is the set in the box, doesn't it look so fun to play with!! 😍
First we have the sash with badges, this is awesome as it has a badge for compass use and firefly catching, those things are included in the set! Then it has a badge with a tent, which we would assume is about setting up a tent or sleeping in one overnight? Either way that is amazing as Our Generation has made several tents, even though they aren't included in the set! We love how detailed the badges are as well and the fact that they are embroidered on is so wonderful! Then there is a bright yellow neck scarf! I love this piece so much as it has a smooth feel to it and is perfect for colder evening weather when camping and keeping warm all day long!
Here is a picture of me wearing the scarf and sash!
Next up we have the knot tying guide and piece of rope! I love the guide as if you are us and don't know how to tie knots, then this is perfect! Aria had a try when we were filming our You Tube video, and she struggled a little but the instructions are quite clear so it will just take more practice! The only thing is, it isn't clear if the string goes under or over, but apart from that it should be easy to follow! Then there is the rope, it feels like proper rope you would have for camping so that is even more realistic! It is perfect for practicing knots with although the ends have loads of glue on them which make tying slightly difficult!
Next up we have the camping utensil! I love this accessory so much as it is a fork and a spoon in one! It is a light yellow colour and the spoon and fork parts are silver! Even though it is plastic, when you fold the utensils in and out, they feel strong and like they will last a long time!
Here is the fork and the spoon out at the same time! The fork has a small dent in it so that you can easily fold it out!
Here we have the s'mores box and 4 s'mores! The box is green with a zig zag pattern and says "OG Explorers S'mores" in a dark pink/light red colour! There are 2 types of s'mores, one with chocolate biscuit, caramel and marchmallow, and one with plain biscuit, chocolate and marshmallow! We think they are the flavours! They are made of plastic and have lots of detail! The box is made of cardboard!
On one end, the box is open to put the s'mores in with no closing, we thought it would have one but that's ok!

Next up we have the torch! It is made of plastic and is a light red colour. It also has a switch, when you move it towards the bulb, it lights up!

Here is the torch lit up, it has an orange light! So cool!!
Here we have the firefly jar, I love this piece so much! The jar is clear and inside is a small fake (of course!) plant with a (also fake!) realistic looking firefly! I just think this piece is the cutest! The lid is green and has some small holes in it so the firefly can breathe and the lid does not come off. The handle also moves! This has the same design as the butterfly jar we have!
Here is the water bottle! It is a dark green colour with a black lid and is made of plastic! We can hold it using our thumb in the lid! It is perfect to keep hydrated on our adventures!
The final accessory is the compass! It is a light red colour, the ribbon is the same! It is also made of plastic. The compass part is so realistic and looks just like a real compass! It doesn't actually work though!
Here is a closer look at the compass! It is so detailed!

Here it is modelled on Aria! We had to undo the knot and tie one every time we wear it as our head doesn't fit through the hole! Overall we would definitely recommend this set as we definitely think all the pieces are adorable and it has high play value!

Thank you so much for reading, see you next time!


Monday, December 27, 2021

Lori Boy Doll Sullivan Review!

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog! Today it is me Franco and I am going to be reviewing the Lori boy doll Franco we received for Christmas, he is so amazing! He is my Lori doll as we are hoping to buy Sia and Valencia their own Lori doll in a few months (when they both have a Lori doll, we will do a post saying which Lori doll belongs to which of us)! That is why I am writing this review so lets get started!

I am going to start with his clothing, so lets get started! He has a blue and white stripy t-shirt, brown trousers and dark blue hiking boots!
The top has a slightly dark blue coloured stripes and the white stripes have a slight light silver tint! It is made of a soft fabric.
There is also an easy Velcro closure like many Our Generation and Lori clothing pieces!
The brown trousers are a light brown and are made of a slightly stiff material. They feel very smooth and are so cute!
The trousers close at the back with a small square of Velcro!
Here are the hiking boots! They are made of plastic and are dark blue, at the back they have a small slit in each shoe to make them easier to put on!
Here is the bottom of one shoe, they have so much detail!
Here is Sullivan in his meet outfit, he looks so cute! Recently, some Lori dolls have had hard bodies and some have had soft, if you were wondering Sullivan's is a soft body with plastic limbs. He has beautiful blue eyes with lots of detail and his hair is a light brown colour! As it is short there are no hair strands, it has a fluffy felt feeling but is still so cute! I recommend Sullivan 100%!

Thank you for reading everyone, I love Sullivan!
Franco πŸ’™πŸ˜

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

 We hope you have a very merry Christmas everyone!! We are all ready to celebrate and we will have our Christmas morning video out later hopefully and some shorts as well!! Franco also has got Sullivan from our amazing friends, we took a photo down below! Merry Christmas everyone!! πŸ’πŸ˜€πŸŽπŸŽ…☃️πŸŽ„⛄

Friday, December 24, 2021

Our Generation Dolls Christmas Eve!!πŸŽ„☃️πŸŽ…

 Valencia: We would all like to wish a huge Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates!!

Talita: We will be typing this post quickly as we need to go to bed soon otherwise Santa won't leave any of us presents πŸŽπŸŽ…!

Holly: So everyone let's get this post Christmas going! πŸŽ„☃️πŸŽπŸ’

Sia: This photo is us having a delicious fruit salad for breakfast with Greek yoghurt!
Franco: And here are the mini dolls having their fruit salad for breakfast! 

Aria: The above photos are all of us dressed for the day, including the mini dolls! 
Valencia: Then we played a printable Christmas game from the designafriend website! 
Talita: Here is us having lunch, we had pasta today! If you are wondering why we had the big cake that is because Sia had her birthday party recently and we had the cake we baked to eat! We wouldn't usually eat the big cake all the time, only for special occasions! 
Holly: Here are the mini dolls having lunch!

Sia: We played pin the robin on Robyn, another designafriend printable game, Franco won! 
Franco: Then we all went to the salon to do our hair, nails and makeup ready for tomorrow! 

Aria: Me and Vera have just iced the Christmas cakes! 

Valencia: Holly and Vera used a randomised and it said they should do the milk and mince pie for Santa with a carrot for the reindeer! Here they are, they have literally just done it! 

Talita: Thank you so much for reading, we will be filming a Christmas morning video tomorrow, a few shorts and maybe a blog post!

Holly: Merry Christmas if you celebrate and see you all when it is Christmas day!! πŸ˜€πŸŽ…πŸŽ„☃️🎁

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Our Generation Trekking Tails Accessory Set Review!

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, it's Aria here today! In this post I am going to be reviewing the Our Generation Trekking Tails Accessory Set, so lets get started!

The first piece in the set we aren't exactly sure what it is called....  (After Aria looks on the Our Generation website...!) I got it! It is called a scarf on the website, although before I looked, I though it may be called a neckerchief? I don't really know, but scarf is easier to spell so we will call it a scarf! The scarf is a deep but bright orange colour and has a polo top feel to it! It is a lot like a big triangle when folded out completely, in the photo it is in half.
Here it is modelled on Harry, he looks very handsome and he will be warm in cold weather!

Next up, we have the goggles! I think there are to keep the wind out of his eyes! The strap is made of plastic, which makes it difficult to adjust although we have put it at one size to fit our 2 dogs Harry and Violet! It is also a dark red colour! The goggles have clear plastic lenses and the outside of those is a light brown almost dark gold colour!

Here we have the bag! In this photo, it shows the strap, this is an easy plastic buckle (I think that is what it is called?) and this clips round the dog!
The bag is a camouflage brown and orange, there are 2 zip pockets, one on either side to hold a few accessories! On the middle of the bag, there is an orange strap sewn although we aren't really sure what it is for! 
Here is Harry with the bag on, me and Franco went on a hike with Harry wearing the bag and it was perfect because Harry carried everything such as the map and birdseed! It is perfect if your dolls only have a few things they are taking with their dog, or if they can't carry everything, the dog can carry some!
Here is a side view of the bag, perfect for adventure!
Here is the final accessory piece, a dog food container! The food inside looks so realistic and it is all made of plastic, I love the detail in the moulding of the container! 
Here is the top and bottom, they come off and can be used as food bowls! This is perfect when the dogs need food or drink on the go or when we take the dogs places they can't always bring their food bowls from the pet care playset! Also, our bowl on the bottom of the container came glued on but the food wasn't glued into the container, we think it was meant to be the other way and the bottom bowl easily came off and we will probably glue the food in the pot at some time!
Finally, here is a photo of Harry all ready to go on an adventure!

I hope you enjoyed this review everyone! Comment down below your favourite piece in the set! Thanks for reading everyone, bye! πŸ˜€

Breakfast With Margo!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to show you Margo's breakfast! First ...