Friday, March 3, 2023

A Good Friend Makes Good Times Lori Dolls Photo Story Post 3!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog in today's post it's me Valencia and In going to be doing post 3 of our Lori dolls series, I hope you enjoy!

It was the beginning of ballet class, Cherie was feeling very nervous. Did Philippa like her? Was this the place for her?
"Time to begin everyone, I would like you to practice on the bar!" announced Margo.
Philippa was all ready!
"Cherie are you ready?" asked Margo.
"Yes, sorry," replied Cherie.
"It's ok, no worries," comforted Margo. "Music please Sullivan!"
Sullivan began playing his perfect piano music!
Then, they began! 
"Great work well done!" congratulated Margo.
"I really am better than Cherie!" announced Philippa, much louder than she meant to. She didn't mean for anyone to hear.
Cherie felt waves of immense discouragement. She really didn't feel like this was the place for her.
She sat down, thinking about quiting.
Margo noticed and decided she should speak to Philippa.
"Philippa, please be kinder to Cherie," she asked. "I know it is hard having someone new here, but this isn't like you at all."
"I know, I'm sorry, I really am," replied Philippa.
"Well, maybe you should apologize to Cherie, you can make it right now you know," encouraged Margo.

That was it. Philippa has to make it up to Cherie, and fast.

I hope you like it! See you soon!

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