Thursday, August 17, 2023

A surprise for Thomas- Lori Dolls Photo Story!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, todays post is going to be a Lori dolls photo story, enjoy!

The suns rays flowed through the clear, almost transparent windows. It was bright and early in the morning, a beautiful view surrounding as one would like. Thomas was working hard on his English homework.

"Almost there," he whispered to himself.

Glancing over, he saw the pile of worksheets awaiting him.

"Or not," he sighed.

Maybe Thomas' mood was not matching with the weather, but no fear it soon would be!

In the room next door, Sullivan was preparing a big surprise for Thomas- a new desk! Sullivan new Thomas would be excited to see this, it was just what he needed!

Suddenly, Sullivan dropped some of his supplies. Bang! He stood still for a minute, hoping Thomas hadn't heard. 

Then, he could hear Thomas' soft footsteps coming through the hall. Quick thinking he sent Minnie the dog out into the hall, hoping Thomas would see her and think she made the noise then go back to what he was doing.

"Oh Minnie, was it you?" laughed Thomas, and strolled back to his work space.

"Phew," thought Sullivan.

Then, Minnie the dog came running back inside, and Sullivan quickly added the final touches.

All done! Time to surprise Thomas!

"Thomas I know you are busy but I have a surprise for you!" exclaimed Sullivan.

"Exciting!" replied Thomas. "Coming!"

As soon as Thomas walked into the room, his face became filled with joy.

He said millions of thank yous to Sullivan, in awe of what he had done!

I hope you enjoyed!

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