Monday, July 29, 2024

Holly's Cheer Disappointment- Our Generation Dolls Photo Story!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I am doing another photo story- enjoy!

"This is the worst day ever!" exclaimed Holly as she marched up to her room.
She abruptly put her bag down, all of her joy was lost.
She sat down feeling hopeless, having no idea what to do with herself.
Camila was worried about the noise upstairs, she decided to go and investigate.
"Holly are you ok?" asked Camila. "I heard a lot of noise coming from up here."
"Not really, I tried out for the cheer team but didn't get a place," replied Holly.
"It's ok Holly, there were lots more people trying out compared to last year," comforted Camila. "You are wonderful at cheer and many other things, that isn't determined by whether you make the team or not."
"I guess," added Holly.
Camila went for a minute and came back.

"Would you like an ice lolly and magazine?" asked Camila.
"Thank you," replied Holly.
"No problem, I'll have a look for some more cheer teams, I'm sure you'll make those," added Camila.

Thank you for reading! See you soon!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Leighton's not so relaxing afternoon! Lori Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I am writing a Lori dolls photo story, enjoy!

Leighton had just sat down with a piece of her favourite cake- chocolate!
"Hi Leighton, please can you help me with my homework?" asked Thomas.
"What do you need help with?" questioned Leighton, hoping it would be quick.
"I don't know how to do the English language questions," said Thomas.
"Ok, lets go through it," sighed Leighton.

30 minutes later....
"Thanks Leighton!!" exclaimed Thomas.
"Do you want to come horse riding with me Leighton?" asked Jenna.
"Sorry I was just going to eat some chocolate cake," replied Leighton.
"That's fine, I'm going to go for an hour," replied Jenna. "I'll see you later!"
Leighton sat for a minute, hoping she would have some time to relax.
"Do you want to come on a dog walk with me Leighton?" asked Philippa.
"Not today, maybe tomorrow," replied Leighton.
"Ok see you later!" answered Philippa.
"There's no food!!" exclaimed Vera.
"There is definitely some strawberries and cherries Vera," replied Leighton.
"I wanted chocolate but fine," replied Vera.
Leighton was very pleased that Vera hadn't noticed her chocolate cake!
She was hoping to get some peace and quiet now. 
But would she?
A split second after she said that, she could hear some footsteps down the corridor....

Thanks for reading! See you soon!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Talita's Wardrobe Choice! Our Generation Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Aria! Today I'm going to be posting a photo story, I hope you enjoy!

Talita was searching through the wardrobe; it was like she was in a maze!
"Oh, I can't find anything," muttered Talita, worried.
"Hi Talita," stated Haven. "Are you ok?"
"I can't find anything to wear for work experience," replied Talita.
"There must be something," reassured Haven.
Haven had a look as well, definitely something that had to be done carefully!
""How's this?" asked Haven.
"I don't really like it," replied Talita.
"How about this?" suggested Haven.
"That's for winter," replied Talita.
"No problem, I'll have another look," reassured Haven.
"Do you like this?" questioned Haven, hoping it would be perfect.
"Yes!" exclaimed Talita. "That's perfect!"
Talita immediately went to find something to go with it.
"Will this go?" asked Talita.
"Perfect!!" exclaimed Haven.

Thanks for reading! See you soon!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Alina and Sullivan's Beach Walk! Lori Dolls Photo Story

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Sia! Today I'm posting a Lori dolls photo story- I hope you enjoy!

Alina and Sullivan were all ready for a wonderful walk! The sun was shining, adding to the jovial atmosphere.
"Come on Sullivan, hurry up!!" exclaimed Alina. 
"Ok coming," replied Sullivan.
Alina was having a wonderful time; she loves exploring nature. 
"Wait for me!!" exclaimed Sullivan.
"I'm tired..." complained Sullivan.
"Come on we don't have all day!!" exclaimed Alina.
"Now you need to hurry up Alina!" added Sullivan.
"This isn't a race," replied Alina. "I was admiring the flowers."
"I think I see a robin!" stated Sullivan.
"Let me see!" exclaimed Alina.
"I think it flew over there," replied Sullivan.
"I wanted to see," added Alina.

They carried on their walk and thankfully for Alina saw many more robins!

Thanks for reading! See you soon!

Breakfast With Margo!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to show you Margo's breakfast! First ...