Saturday, October 30, 2021

OG Dolls Crafted Vet Clinic!

 Hello everyone welcome back to our blog or welcome if you are new, it's me Sia here today! In this post, I'm going to be showing you a doll vet clinic we made a couple of days ago, so lets get started! We tried to make it as similar as we could to the Our Generation one, just smaller and with different colours!

Here is a photo of me next to the vet clinic, we chose a blue colour scheme!

First, we have 2 places where the pets will stay if they need to be in the vet centre for the night if they are unwell or need to recover!

Next up we have the examination table and a sink!

Next, we used foam letters, the V was already cut but we had to cut the E and T. We stuck them on the wall for cute decoration!

Down below, we have a cupboard for storage of vet accessories with 2 pom poms as the handle!

Here is all of the accessories we use for the vets! We also use the Our Generation dog food bowls, although they aren't in the photo. The majority are Our Generation things we though would suit the clinic and some are human toys we have had for a while and we thought they would suit it perfectly! 

Now, let me put the accessories in and I can give you a tour!

In the bottom section where the pets stay, we keep the food bowls, if there was a pet in this area, we would move the bowls to the side but when there isn't they stay here!

On the examination table, we keep some of the Our Generation bottles!

In the cupboard, we keep the rest of the accessories so that we can easily access them when we are playing or making a video or photography or a blog post or many fun doll things!

Now, time for my patients!

First, I helped out our Lori doll Vera's rabbit! Her rabbit was unwell.

Then, Holly's dog Harry came to the clinic! Harry needed a bandage on his leg.

So everyone, I really hope you like the vet clinic we made! If you have any video ideas for our You Tube Channel or any blog post ideas, please let us know in the comments!


Friday, October 29, 2021

OG Dolls Holly's Halloween Costume - A bunny

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, or welcome if you have never been here, we hope you enjoy! In todays post, it's me the wonderful amazing Holly dolly and I'm going to be showing you my Halloween costume for this year just in time for our movie premiering later today on our You Tube channel! And yes, we did change our channel to a new one so it will be the first video! I hope you are excited to see it, it is a stop motion! Anyways, lets get started with my Halloween costume for the year! 

This year, I have decided to be a bunny! Here is an overview of my complete and wonderful costume!

Here are my bunny ears! We all made a pair last Easter (apart from Franco as he hadn't joined our family at the time) and we still kept them so I used a pair but I don't know who made them as we never put our names on them, so they could be any of ours!
Next I have my nose and teeth! We used a string of elastic which a family member stitched for us (thank you!!) and then, we hot glued a pom pom and two small pieces of paper to make a nose and bunny teeth!
You may be wondering what this piece of string is for.....
It is my tail! We used white string and a pom pom maker to make my fluffy tail and when we were cutting the ends to keep the pieces together we made the string extra long so I could tie it around me like a tail!
For my clothing, I wore this plain creamy colour jumper from the Our Generation Fall For Apples Outfit!
Then, I used these sparkly silver Our Generation fun fall fur outfit leggings!
Finally, for my shoes I have these white and pink ones from the BFriends line from the Entertainer which is now called #RFriends but we bought them after Christmas in 2019 when it was B Friends!

Here are some more photos of my costume!

I love my Halloween costume so much this year! Thank you so much for reading!


Monday, October 25, 2021

OG Dolls Sia's Halloween Costume - Ballet Dancer

 Hello everyone, Sia here today! I'm going to be showing you my Halloween costume for this year which is a ballet dancer. So lets get started, I love my costume so much, I think I look like an amazing ballet dancer (even though it is Valencia's costume and I tried some ballet earlier and I don't think I am that great!).

Here I am wearing my costume, it is the outfit which came with Valencia as she is a ballet dancer! Valencia was very kind and let me borrow this for Halloween, how good it feels to have such wonderful dolly siblings! I love this outfit so much, below are some photos of me wearing it!

How cute do you think I look? I think I look wonderful! If you have any photo shoot or photo story ideas, please let us know in the comments! Maybe something autumn/fall or Halloween related as that would be seasonal and fun! Thank you for reading everyone!


Sunday, October 24, 2021

OG Dolls Aria's Halloween Costume - Ghost

Hello everyone, and welcome back to our blog it's me Aria here today! I'm going to be showing you my Halloween costume for this year which is a ghost so lets get started. 
First, here is an overview of my costume. I love it so much and if I'm good at acting, I think I could look quite spooky!
A family member helped us make the costume and they cut a hole where my face is so that I can eat  my sweets and when I see people and they think I am a ghost, I can say it is only me Aria!

 It goes right down to the floor and Franco was there when we made it, at first it was so long when I tried to walk, I actually fell over! We had to cut it shorter as Franco said he didn't want me to fall over! Overall, I really enjoyed making this costume and at the time of writing this, we made our Halloween video yesterday and I wore it for that! I am also hoping to wear it on Halloween and we will be saving it for the future as then we can all swap costumes as we still have last years as well! Thank you for reading everyone!


Friday, October 22, 2021

OG Dolls Talita's Halloween Costume - Cat

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, it's me Talita here today! In this post, I'm going to be showing you my Halloween costume and how we made it, so lets get started. This year, I have decided to be a cat as they are my favourite animal. 

Here is an overview of my complete costume, I love it so much!

Firstly, I have my cat ears. We made these by using a pipe cleaner which was orange (I recommend black or white though). Then, we drew 2 cat ears on card and hot glued then onto the pipe cleaner.

For the nose and the whiskers, a family member hand-stitched elastic together which would fit over my head (thank you!). Then, we drew a pink circle on a piece of card, then added 3 whiskers on each side and hot glued a pom pom for the nose! Then, we glued the nose/whiskers onto the elastic!

For my clothes, we used this top and skirt we made from an old pair of socks and was in our doll wardrobe as this was the most suitable piece of clothing we have.

Finally, I used some black tights and dark brown boots from Our Generation!

Here is a few photos of my costume, isn't it super cute!

So everyone, I really hope you like my costume and I'm super excited to wear it for Halloween! Thank you for visiting our blog!


Thursday, October 21, 2021

OG Dolls Franco's Halloween Costume - Robot

 Hello everyone, welcome back to our blog it's me Franco here today! I'm going to be showing you how my Halloween costume for this year which is a robot and I'm going to talk through how I made it, so lets get started.

Firstly, here is an overview of me in the costume. I designed everything- I love it so much!

Firstly, we have the top of the robot helmet we made. We made the helmet by measuring and cutting rectangles of cardboard and hot gluing them together. On the top, I used a green pipe cleaner as the antenna and then I used 6 small pom poms as decorations/functions. You can decorate the top with whatever you like, we just used what we though a robot would look like and what was in our craft box!

For the front, we cut 2 small eyeholes, but we accidentally put them in the wrong place, so now I can't see where I'm going! But that's ok, see what happens in our Halloween movie coming out a week tomorrow and see what I say! Then, we used silver sparkly stickers around the eye holes. We used sparkly brown and peach stickers as decoration as well. We also used a piece of gold ribbon as the mouth. Again, you can decorate yours however you like but we just used what we could find!

For the main body, we measured a piece of yellow card with a hole in the middle for my head- and I can actually get my head through! We used silver, peach and brown stickers for some decoration, Then, we got a turquoise piece of tissue paper which we glued 3 googly eyes  onto, as I thought then it would look spooky! At the bottom, I added 2 blue pom poms and 2 red pom poms. You can choose what you add and it can be different to ours if you decide to make the costume!

I'm not going to talk through the clothes I am wearing underneath as they don't have to look a certain way as long as it isn't a dress or skirt and isn't too colourful it should match the costume. I also may wear different clothes underneath every time I wear the costume!

Here above are side views of my costume, I hope you like it as much as I do!

Thank you so much for reading my post today everyone, I really loved it! If you make a robot costume, we hope you have fun and always remember to be safe with hot glue and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thank you for reading!


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

OG Dolls Valencia's Halloween Costume - Dalmatian Puppy

 Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog, it's me Valencia here today! In todays post, I'm going to be showing you my Dalmatian pup costume we have made for Halloween, as I'm super excited to wear it. I will explain how we made it and where the pieces are from if they are Our Generation so lets get started.

Firstly, here is an overview of me wearing the costume, I love it so much and I think I look very funny!

Firstly, here is my headband. We made it to look like a Dalmatian's ears, we used a purple pipe cleaner (we recommend black or white, but we only could find purple) and it was already only one length and it happened to be perfect but we recommend it goes down to your doll's (or your if you're a doll!) ears. Then, we drew around our Our Generation Dalmatian pup who we named Violet's ears, on a piece of paper to make a template. Then, we cut one out of black and one out of white felt. We only hot glued the top part of the ear on, this way they will flap around!

Next, we made a dog nose and mouth! Firstly, we measured elastic all around my head near my nose (where it is in the photo) exactly, no more and no less. Then, a family member hand-sewn the 2 ends together for us by overlapping them a little bit so that it could stretch on me and not be too loose. Then, we made a small nose with a ball of tissue paper. We also made a tongue for me by putting our special craft wire into a tongue shape. Then, we hot glued them both onto the elastic and I have a nose and a tongue!


To start, my top is black and white stripy and is from the Our Generation That's How I Roll outfit. Most of my clothing is black and white stripy instead of spotty because we don't have any spotty clothing.

For my trousers I have this pair from the Our Generation Fuzzy Feelings outfit, they are so lovely.

Finally for the clothing, I have these white sparkly boots which came with Talita. I think the sparkles look wonderful!


I decided to take a few photos of me in my costume with my Dalmatian pup Violet, I hope you like them!

I absolutely love my Halloween costume and I can't wait for when it is Halloween. Stay tuned for everyone else showing you their Halloween costumes for this year. Thank you for reading!


Breakfast With Margo!

 Hello everyone and welcome to or welcome back to our blog, it's me Holly! Today I'm going to show you Margo's breakfast! First ...